Tuesday 26 August 2014

Leandra's Enchanted Flute

Leandra’s Enchanted Flute is one of the most unique stories I have read for some time.  It is the kind of story that could be turned into an enchanting BBC special for older children or any young of heart lover of sweet fantasy.  Leandra and her flute are chosen to join a prince and some talking birds in a quest to heal a world that has been blighted.  Leandra is specially chosen to journey to Finian Jahndra because she has fought and won a battle with cancer on earth. Leandra has a spiritual connection with the world of Finian Jahndra that causes her to rejoice in its places of beauty and feel a deep sense of grief when the world is impacted by the canker that is blighting it.  

There was one place in the book where I wondered if I had skipped some pages.  The raven Eyepecker goes too quickly from being a suspected enemy to a friend.  I was left with the feeling that there was dialogue missing. 

However, all in all the book was very well written. Katy Huth Jones is a gifted writer.  I think this book would be widely acclaimed if it were not for the great many books being published at this moment in time.  


  1. Songcatcher and I thank you for your lovely review, Dianne. You are a treasure!

  2. My pleasure Katy. It was a very well written book.
