Wednesday 11 March 2015

The Century Trilogy by Ken Follett

The Edge of Eternity is the third book in the Century Trilogy which begins prior to the 1st World War and takes the reader through to the end of the Cold War. Ken Follett’s characters give readers front row seats into the events that shaped the 20th century. The books are not only great literature in that they make the reader care about the lives of fictional characters, but the books are also well-researched and serve as an historical overview. While many of us are aware of the events that Ken Follett covers, he takes us in for a closer look and deepens our understanding of the events that have shaped our lives.

One of the streams that Ken Follett follows is the impact of racism in the United States and the Civil Rights movement that fought to change that. I found this helpful in understanding the racism that I see at work in the United States today.

Ken Follett ends his book with a prologue on the election of Barak Obama as if to say look how far we have come in this century. Unfortunately, the election of Barak Obama did not mark the beginning of a new age of tolerance, but has brought the racism of many Americans to the surface. No other president has been treated so disrespectfully and shamefully as Barak Obama has been. Americans up to now have always treated their president with more respect than we Canadians often show our prime minister. In the past, even if Americans disagreed with their President they have been respectful of the office of President. 

I would love for Ken Follett to write a sequel to this century trilogy sometime in the future.  I would love to see the time we now live in through his eyes.  

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